Comprehensive Psychological Evaluation
A truly comprehensive evaluation is critical to competent, high-quality clinical care. Many providers consider an "evaluation" to be an hour spent introducing one another, chatting about symptoms and goals, and discussing the business parameters of therapy. In our view, these items are important, but not nearly sufficient to set the stage for adequate therapeutic services.
At American Psychological Services, LLC, you will receive a biopsychosocial assessment, the true gold standard of therapeutic clinical evaluation. A comprehensive, integrative evaluation of this sort is a prerequisite for understanding and appreciating the complexity and depth of an individual's psychological constitution and emotional health. Our initial evaluations are no less than 90 minutes in length and typically run significantly longer. There is a flat fee for evaluations, so you will not be charged additional fees for additional time. Our priority is attaining a thorough understanding of you, as well as setting the stage for effective therapy.
As such, our clinical psychologist, Dr. Miller, will provide a comprehensive psychological evaluation that coalesces the salient biological, psychological, and psychosocial factors from your personal history. More specifically, he will integrate contemporary emotional, cognitive, and behavioral symptoms with your physiological, developmental, social, relational, occupational, and other relevant history. At the conclusion of the evaluation, Dr. Miller will offer a clinical conceptualization of your psychological functioning, including diagnostic considerations (if applicable), as well as clear, specific treatment recommendations.
In addition, if you do not engage in follow-up services with us (whether as a result of your preference or Dr. Miller's recommendation), Dr. Miller will provide guidance to you in your search for the right clinician - at no charge. Thus, you will receive clinical guidance, tailored to you, without a commitment on your part to any future services.
Evaluations are conducted in-person or through internet-based virtual platforms, in accordance with your preference.
To schedule an evaluation, send an email to Info@AmericanPsychServices.com; call or text 202-360-1754; or, submit the Request Form available in the "Contact" section of our Main Page.